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Profile for matswallin
Name matswallin (joined 27-Oct-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username matswallin
Location Sweden
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View Galleries : matswallin has 48 galleries and 4092 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 706255 times.

View Guestbook : 14 messages. Most recent on 25-Oct-2018.

Message from matswallin
Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy my galleries! As you can see my favorite subject is photographing birds. I'm living on the Island Ă–land in Sweden so most of the pictures are taken there. I don't use tripods and photography blinds (except my car).

All photos are copyrighted and cannot be used for any purpose without permission. But I'm generally happy to allow use for non-commercial conservation and education purposes and will consider proposals for commercial use, e-mail;
I would appreciate if you take your time to sign the guestbook or add your comments to any of the galleries or pictures.

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