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KAZUYA KIMURA –Ø‘ºˆê–ç | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 26-Aug-2012 22:45
Kazuya san,
I enjoyed your Galleries, over 24 years of memories and records they are sadows of your passion. Life is good.
with respect,
SHAUKHEEN16-May-2009 08:47
Dear Kazuya san,

I love your Galleries very very beautiful collection,,,,compliments, you are in my Fav list, Kind rgds

Guest 30-Jan-2008 17:12
I added you as my fav portrait photographer. I am impressed with your work.
coyote 08-Dec-2007 02:55
iche bon! very nice!
Guest 09-Nov-2007 23:22
You area very talented artist and photographer. It was an honor for me to be shooting next to a master like you. Your images possess great compositions and you have an excellent eye for angles. I look forward to many more of your awesome photos.

Hope to see you soon my friend. Happy shooting.
Guest 21-Aug-2007 08:37
Bravo. I like very much your work
Guest 07-Jun-2007 23:24
Guest 08-May-2007 07:39
Dear Kazuya,
You have so beauifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Justin Kim18-Mar-2007 21:42
Thank you for posting the most beautiful photographs.

Truly enjoy viewing your wonderful work, and simply wish to say i wish you all the best.

Thank you, and i will look forward to viewing and reviewing your outstnding presentations.
shinozaki 14-Sep-2006 17:23
Carl 06-Jul-2006 08:06
Best regards from NY!
Elizabeth 03-Jul-2006 12:33
Looking for information and found it at this great site...
‰i` 31-May-2006 07:28
Guest 27-May-2006 17:31
Hi Kaz,
I finally looked on your amazing photos.
You have so cool hobbies which makes me envious of you.*^^*
Austin also enjoyed them a lot especially Shiro's pictures.

Anon 02-May-2006 00:44
Hi there, you're galleries are quite stunning,

you have been to a lot of places, and have seen quite a lot of things.

You are quite a talented artist when it comes to capturing a moment in time and your photography skills are very good!


‘Šª@‰pr 27-Apr-2006 04:49
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Guest 30-Jan-2006 09:54
nice galleries add to my favorites,
Regards, Jelenko
Sefval Mogalana25-Nov-2005 08:57
I really love your picture! Especially the Alaska and your dog Shiro! Great work you have here going!
‚v‚`‚j‚h‚r‚`‚j‚` 14-Oct-2005 05:05
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Kelly(Moonhee) 03-Aug-2005 04:22
Hi, Kaz,
I really enjoyed your pictures.
They are so great!!
Shiro got so big. I want to see him when I visit you.
CHAô 05-Mar-2005 09:08
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Chika 07-Feb-2005 12:52
Chika 03-Feb-2005 17:01
MaryBeth 05-Nov-2004 21:25
Hi Kazuya,
I like your website very much but mostly the beautiful pictures of Shiro. Let me know when you add more pictures. They are all very good.