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gerard belbeoch | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Graeme11-Feb-2023 11:07
Hi Gerard, thank you very much for your very kind words about my Enchanted Gallery, they are very much appreciated.

Gary28-Nov-2016 19:10
Thanks for your nice comment...
Ken White23-Feb-2016 02:19
Thanks for the comment you left on today in my gallery. You have some very fine work here. Well done sir.
samikosemi18-Mar-2013 04:36
Your work is great , i like your pictures , keep doing great job !
an nguyen27-Jan-2012 17:15
Thank you for visiting .
My compliments to your very fine work of photography .
Anne N
Terri Rucker 11-Jan-2012 14:33
lovely ponds, les etangs my french word of the day, I will get out my pocket translator later on, to hear it pronounced. I am 57 and trying to learn french, for my psychology degree. Terri Columbus, Ohio
Jean-Jacques Vandamme24-Dec-2011 14:09
DE très jolies prises et couleurs !
usha 14-Jun-2010 12:25
Thank you for your visit to my gallery. I have added your gallery to my favorites. Nice to see work of other talented photographers.
GILLES BRUNOT 21-Dec-2009 23:31
Dis donc Gerard c est pas la retraite on dirait !Quelle unanimité !
par hasard sur ton oeuvre car en recherche continue , quelle maestria je reviendrai mais la je repars a la grippe A et autres tauromachies avaant de deposerla cvape a mon tour a un de ces jours qui sait !
BrigitteKrede06-Jun-2009 11:52
vraiment d'excellentes photos gerard...nice to meet you...bravo...v
Guest 03-Jun-2009 21:01
Gerard, you share some wonderful galleries with terrific work captured all over the world. Your Cuba and Brugge photographs are belonging to my favourites of photography on pbase.
berin (@woophy) 21-Mar-2009 20:16
J'aime bien la cimetiere de bateaux. Mes compliments. Restez tous les temps pres de chez vous.
Eliane10-Nov-2008 12:58
Un grand Bravo pour l'ensemble des galeries ,
Merci aussi du commentaire sur Martigues ( Chez Patrick Hanez )
MASAMI I22-Feb-2008 00:57
Thank you for visiting my gallery and your kind word.
Guest 07-Nov-2007 18:28
Nice Gallery
Peter Chou29-Sep-2007 13:38
Thank you so much for visiting my gallery and your encouraging comment! I enjoyed your photos too especially the ones on Cuba! Keep your photos coming! :)
Guest 16-Jun-2007 12:00
I think you're on a whole different level than a lot other people.
Gerard Koehl01-May-2007 05:41
Je viens de redécouvrir une partie de vos superbes photos. Beaucoup de recherche dans les angles de vues et de la luminosité, j'aime vraiment votre travail. J'y reviendrai plus régulièrement, je vous ai ajouté à mes favoris. A bientôt,
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:31
You're 11 on my scale of 10.
Federico D'Incà02-Feb-2007 14:37
Merci pour les commentaires Gerard .......vous avez un tres belle collection des photos ...merci d'avoir partagé avec nous ....ciao fede
Warren Allen 23-Sep-2006 01:18
Hi, I love your Chartres photo here: gedumans/image/39513255
I would like to use it for my web site..a portion of it, basically a 100 pixel strip horizontally from edge to edge including the rose Rose window. Please let me know if this would be possible. I would give you credit and of course compensation of some sort. I'm a silversmith and am starting a small web venture. Nothing too commercial very low key. Please contact me at your convenince and I will privatly post just what I have in mind. I'm also a photographer and a Nikon guy! D200!Thanks
Warren 27-May-2006 22:20
I'm surprised :). Lilly
Sergio Pessolano22-May-2006 05:55
Hi Gerard,
Thank you for appreciation about my work. I visited some your pics: excellent mood. I added your name to my favourites.
Have a nice week.
Austin 14-Apr-2006 12:55
Great work! | | | |
Guest 20-Feb-2006 08:08
Merci Gérad
Belles galeries également, très variées, avec le golf en prime !
Mark Robinson21-Dec-2005 20:08
Thank you for the kind message you lefy in my gallery.
Gilles VAILLANT07-Nov-2005 18:48
Bravo pour vos galleries, travail très fin pour un rendu magnifique, beaucoup de douceur et une harmonie très sensible dans les couleurs = vote + favorit
Guest 05-Jul-2005 00:17
Thank you for looking at my gallery and leaving such a nice comment.However my gallery dose not compare to yours. You have such a excellent gallery all of your pic. just jump out, they have such clairty and your colors are so viberant.
Guest 29-Jun-2005 13:07

nice homepage you've got!
keep up the good work
