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anthony legg's Photo Galleries at pbase.com
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anthony legg's Recent Galleries

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12-Apr-2015 10:00
Bendigo to Echuca Steam Road Run June 2013
Bendigo to Echuca Steam Road Run June 2013
10-Dec-2007 13:32
Kurdistan, Iraq, December, 2007
Kurdistan, Iraq, December, 2007
10-Dec-2007 13:32
Photo A Day
Photo A Day
22-Oct-2007 12:52
People of Kurdistan
People of Kurdistan
22-Oct-2007 10:07
Duhok Protests October 2007
Duhok Protests October 2007
17-Sep-2007 18:36
Kurdistan, Iraq, August & September, 2007
Kurdistan, Iraq, August & September, 2007
07-Aug-2007 15:01
Kurdistan, Iraq, July, 2007
Kurdistan, Iraq, July, 2007
02-Aug-2007 09:07
Kurdistan, Iraq, May, 2007
Kurdistan, Iraq, May, 2007
18-Jul-2007 02:50
Kurdistan, Iraq, June, 2007
Kurdistan, Iraq, June, 2007
18-Jul-2007 02:17
Sunsets and sunrises
Sunsets and sunrises
14-Jul-2007 17:03
Kurdistan, April 2007
Kurdistan, April 2007
03-Apr-2007 05:14
Children's Festival, March 2007
Children's Festival, March 2007